Every school needs a good bullying prevention program. Our student wellbeing workshops provide a proactive solution for anti-bullying education. Our programs aim to prevent bullying, and also promote wellbeing for all students, by encouraging:
- Ownership
- Self-awareness
- Empathy
- Resilience.
These characteristics are combined with the tools to help younger students respond to bullying in a realistic way.

About Our Wellbeing & Anti-Bullying Programs
With a framework of positive psychology, our program takes students through a day in the life of a child, like them, highlighting both good and bad experiences, and communicating the emotions of all parties. Using the concept of “How Full is Your Bucket©” (by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer), students are offered a common language that staff and parents can also adopt in daily conversations. The metaphor of a bucket helps to communicate our vulnerabilities and the need for positive encouragement and support for us all to contribute at our best.
In our interactive session, children receive rewards, recognition and praise for filling others’ wellbeing buckets and so filling their own through good deeds, kindness, positive behaviours and thinking of others. They have the chance to see and understand the way bullying, negativity and hurtful words and actions impact others and themselves.
We discuss real situations that children face such as: a new child starting at school, others not including you in their game, and not being rewarded for something you did.
Student Wellbeing & Anti-Bullying Workshops
Click the [Register] button to ‘register your interest’ in a workshop / seminar, and to provide details about when, where, and for how many people, and we will contact you with a quote.
1-2 hours
We recognise the importance of the whole school community, seeing communication with parents as critical to success. As such we provide parent events or evenings support most programs.
Wellbeing Workshops for Staff
Find out about our wellbeing programs for teachers and staff.
Client Testimonial
Kingswood Park Public School